
I am honored to have the support of and be endorsed by the Mississippi Association of Realtors. Thank you, Realtors!
“Because of your commitment to building stronger communities across Mississippi, your ardent defense of private property rights and support of business friendly policies that grow Mississippi’s economy, you are considered a Champion of Realtors Policies,”

Thank you, BIPEC, for naming me “Best for Business and Jobs”.
"The best version of Mississippi is possible when we continue to make our state a great place to live, work and invest in!"

I am proud to have the endorsement of the Mississippi Medical PAC.
"We are always pleased to see like-minded candidates advance in the political process and we want to be a part of your winning effort."

Asked to Serve and Endorsed by current Speaker of the House, Philip Gunn.

I am proud to be endorsed by Speaker Pro-Tempore Jason White and the House Leadership Fund.
To view a full list of endorsed candidates: